If you have any comments, questions, or business inquiries you can send a message directly to me using the form below. If you would like a response please select that option and provide your email, otherwise feel free to submit any ideas or comments anonymously.

I read all messages and usually respond within a few days if requested. 


At the current time, I am not accepting any commissions so that I can focus on creating my own ideas. However, I do consider pinup suggestions as one of the perks of my subscribestar tiers.  


I get a lot of questions regarding problems trying to buy comics through Dofantasy.com.  Unfortunately I am unable to provide any support for these issues, the only option is to contact Dofantasy directly.  Any comics published through Dofantasy are exclusively available through them unless otherwise noted.

They do have information on alternate payment methods available at this page that not many people know about.  https://www.dofantasy.com/english/OrderInfo.htm

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